2 Kings 11:1-3 | Decisiveness | Defender | Discernment
Unforgettable people accent the pages of Scripture. As we have discovered in this series, these unforgettable people and their stories are there for a reason. In their life and times we find encouragement, help, and a road map that applies to our lives today. This latest installment is a Christmas story and the ripple effect of these events have impacted each of our lives today. So get ready to add a new chapter to our Unforgettable saga as we strive to live unforgettable lives and impact the world.

All Videos used under CVLI #502101490
All Songs performed under CCLI #11505050


  1. Discerning (v. 1-2)
  2. Decisive (v. 2)
  3. Defender (v. 2b-3)

Series Page

This is a Christmas Story – The Unforgettables (Session Four)

by Church @ 434 | Worship Audio

This is a Christmas Story – The Unforgettables (Session Four)

by Church @ 434 | Sermon Audio

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