by Church @ 434 | Mar 27, 2022 | We Need A BIGGER Boat Series
The movie JAWS is an epic motion picture about a Shark Hunt and what it takes to survive. We Need a Bigger Boat has been a unique series for us as a church, we have been on a shark hunt, we have identified the sharks in the water and discovered what it takes to survive. This morning, we wrap up the series with a fresh and honest look at the world we live in and what we see happening around us now – but most importantly – we are going to be reminded of what we do to reshape the misshapen culture surrounding us.
by Church @ 434 | Mar 20, 2022 | We Need A BIGGER Boat Series
Shark Infested waters can be dangerous and frightening. But they are also a place where you learn how to swim stronger, navigate risky waters, and survive in the rougher currents. Last week we offered to you three solid ways that you can learn to stand in the culture of today. In this study we continue our deep dive and discover three more practical, real life applications that you can remember as you become successful in making an impact for Jesus in the world that needs Him the most.
by Church @ 434 | Mar 13, 2022 | We Need A BIGGER Boat Series
We are looking at what we do and how we live in a shark infested culture. You’ve got fins to the left, fins to the right, and it seems like you are the only bait in town!
This study begins our thrilling multi-week conclusion to our epic shark hunting excursion… get ready to walk away today with 3 very real and powerful challenges of how to impact the world we live in.