Changes | Impossible | Improbable | Inevitable | James 1:2-4 | Space Program
Space missions often face numerous challenges and obstacles. Today we honestly address the potential difficulties and setbacks that may arise during the space program progress and process. We will emphasize the importance of perseverance, resilience, and trusting God through trials. The idea of the Impossible – Improbable – Inevitable will be emphasized strongly. Remember that that unknown challenges are a healthy part of the journey.

All Videos used under CVLI #502101490
All Songs performed under CCLI #11505050


1. The Impossible: Facing the Gravity of Trials (v. 2)

“The impossible becomes possible when you Launch your faith beyond the pull of doubt.”

2. The Improbable: Navigating the Space of Uncertainty (v. 3)

“The improbable is God’s playground, where faith charts the course through uncharted territory.”

3. The Inevitable: Reaching the Final Frontier of Reliability (v. 4)

“The inevitable is your destiny—perseverance propels you to the final frontier where faith meets fulfillment.”

Series Page

Orbiting Obstacles – Tomorrow: Expanding Our Horizons (Session Four)

by Church @ 434 | Worship Audio

Orbiting Obstacles – Tomorrow: Expanding Our Horizons (Session Four)

by Church @ 434 | Sermon Audio

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