Now if we can be honest, it has been one wild and wacky year. It seems like one thing after another has happened and just when you thought it could not get any stranger, it did. On top of that, we have just come off of an election season and depending on how you voted, you are either elated or depressed. In some ways we wonder if we are living in the end times. Brace yourself, it is about to get even stranger because we are going to jump into a four week series based on the Book of Revelation called – The End of the World as we Know it.

Signs 2: More of the End Times for You (Session Two)

You can go back and find the first portion of this CORE study called SIGNS, it is available on the website or the app
Because of the questions, requests, and demand…we are expanding this study into the first Mid-Week rotation of this year
Join us for the conversation and discussion as we study Revelation, specifically some of the End Times signs

Signs 2: More of the End Times for You (Session One)

You can go back and find the first portion of this CORE study called SIGNS, it is available on the website or the app
Because of the questions, requests, and demand…we are expanding this study into the first Mid-Week rotation of this year
Join us for the conversation and discussion as we study Revelation, specifically some of the End Times signs

Signs (Session Three)

Signs is a deeper dive into some of the specific signs in the book of Revelation that pertain to The Tribulation. These are the topics that so many are interested in but are afraid to explore because they can get confusing. In our own unique style we tackle these in this new series.

The King and His Court – End of the World as We Know It – The Revelation (Session Four)

Our series, The End of the World as we Know it – ends with this study. We dive into one more big topic and one that to many is controversial. We open the book of Revelation to reveal the only true Judge there is – Jesus Christ. Yes, the last book in the Bible talks about the final judgement and for some, this is terrifying. As we look at the ultimate form of judgment, for Christians and non-Christian, we discover that God’s judgment is perfect. And when we understand His judgment in heaven, we discover how to get the most out of life on earth.

The Best of Times – End of the World as We Know It – The Revelation (Session Three)

The book of Revelation is mysterious. One of the more confusing topics in it reveals information about the end times. It makes people ask questions: What will the end look like? What will happen? Are we in the midst of that end now? So this is a study that moves through various passages in Scripture as we discover where things will fall and what will occur. We also will see that as we discover God’s truth that those who are Christ followers can have a sense of hope, purpose, and direction today.

Signs (Session Two)

Signs is a deeper dive into some of the specific signs in the book of Revelation that pertain to The Tribulation. These are the topics that so many are interested in but are afraid to explore because they can get confusing. In our own unique style we tackle these in this new series.

Time for Your Checkup – End of the World as We Know It – The Revelation (Session Two)

We are tackling one of the biggest and most talked about books in the Bible – Revelation. Believe it or not, we are doing a panoramic view in 4 weeks of the entire book. In this session, we break down the central focus of the book and the fact that it was originally a letter written for specific people, in specific places, at a specific time. But the letter can also speak clearly to us today as well. As we look at the words penned to the seven churches of the province of Asia, we discover just how they can impact and improve our lives today.

Signs (Session One)

Signs is a deeper dive into some of the specific signs in the book of Revelation that pertain to The Tribulation. These are the topics that so many are interested in but are afraid to explore because they can get confusing. In our own unique style we tackle these in this new series.