Belief in God | Genesis 1:1-5 | Science requires faith
We are traveling through the herd of elephants talking about the elephants in the room that sometimes people are afraid to really talk about. Today we talk about the Chaotic Creation Elephant. The Bible is clear about how creation happens, the chaos occurs when people are pushed into conversations where doubts are brought up. As a result, people of faith – are made to feel like they are somehow less reasonable, rational, and sane. That is the elephant we go looking for today – and who knows, once you get a better view of it, it might not be so big and overwhelming.

All Videos used under CVLI #502101490
All Songs performed under CCLI #11505050


  1. Looking for the Elephant (v. 1a)
  2. Really Seeing the Elephant (v. 1b)
    • Herd That 8 – There are two kinds of people in the world – Those who believe in God and those who believe in something else.
  3. Understanding the Elephant (v. 2-4)
    • Herd That 9 – Don’t make the mistake of thinking that religion requires faith and science doesn’t.
  4. The Reality of the Elephant (v. 5)
    • Herd That 10 – Every ology is connected to theology.

Series Page

Chaotic Creation Elephant – The Elephant in the Room (Session Three)

by Church @ 434 | Worship Audio

Chaotic Creation Elephant – The Elephant in the Room (Session Three)

by Church @ 434 | Sermon Audio

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