Wisdom From the Hen Den (s1e16) – Pecked 3 Times
In this episode, we look at expectations we have for followers and how we should be when they fail, which they will.
In this episode, we look at expectations we have for followers and how we should be when they fail, which they will.
In this episode, we look at putting your life in order and how following God should be part of that.
In this episode, we look at taking an inventory of what God has placed in your life and what we are going to do with it.
In this episode, we ask the question “What do you do for a chicken that sneezes?”. In the answer we find out about how we can meet the needs of others.
In this episode, we look at Sky, the prolific egg layer and how we need to keep with it… have endurance.
In this episode, we look at not limiting yourself by trying something new and going exploring.